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Childcare app to simplify life of parents
Nexmo API iOS Android PayPal

It is a great app that works to connect parents and childcare service providers. It gives you the access to the large network of caregivers right in your preferred area and you can choose the one that suits your needs.


The goal is to establish a group of trusted service providers and help parents in posting a job, allowing them to find a suitable caregiver.

Why NannyTap?
  • family locator

    Ease of use

    Several childcare service providers are available and as parent you can simply post your job, easily enter your booking details and confirm the best one for your job.

  • Access to neighborhood Sitters

    You can have a look at a large number of service providers and all those who are located in nearby areas can be hired by having a quick discussion.

  • Quick Job Posting

    Parents can fill the job details. This helps the provider in knowing all the requirements.

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Easy Swipe
real-time location tracking

With its fantastic swipe feature, parents can meet childcare service providers by swiping right to left. So, just swipe and find the best provider that suits your needs.

Express Booking
private & group chats

Yes, it also gives you the benefit of urgent booking. This service is usually available for 48hrs. It is the best feature for those parents who are always in a hurry.

30-days location history

You can subscribe to know about numerous childcare service providers and as a result, you can find the best one for your child.

Online Chat

If gives you an option of chatting online with your preferred service providers and after finding the right provider just meet up in the real world and avail the benefit of hiring her.

  • Swift
  • Java
  • Mysql
  • NodeJS
  • BitBucket
  • Android Studio
  • Google SDK
  • PayPal
  • REST Web Services
  • Nexmo API
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